Some of my favourite success stories

Mary's Journey
"I have been doing some reflecting this morning. After I took my progress photos, I smiled and was PROUD of what I have achieved both mentally and physically!
The first photo was from the first time I reached out to you. You can see it in my face, I was absolutely miserable.
The second photo was around 8 months into my journey with you and I thought that’s what I wanted to be.. What the scales were telling me. I was limiting my food intake and neglecting my bodies needs.. I lost a lot of my shape.
A year later, after many highs and lows, broken bones, nails, surgeries and hormone changes, I feel better than ever. There was a shift in my goals and my mentality.. I wanted to be the strongest version of myself.
I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for guiding me through this journey and for challenging me. Your support is unwavering and you are always helping me to be the best version of myself. I love the journey I am on, and I love having you as my coach
Ashlee's Journey
"I started working with Sarah about 8 after having my son. At that stage I felt ready to focus on my health and fitness. I wasn't a complete newbie to the gym but I was looking for a bit of guidance and accountability. I got so much more than that with Sarah.
Apart from being absolute MUM GOALS, Sarah's approach to training really inspired me. With her, it's bigger than just completing gym programs each week. It's a holistic approach to your entire lifestyle and attitude and it just feels like a natural progression when you're working with her.
My workouts fit in with my lifestyle, I don't restrict my food or compromise my family or social life yet in the last 8 months I have not only got back to pre-baby body status but I am in better shape than before I fell pregnant.
Sarah's coaching has exceeded my expectations tenfold and I am so grateful for her guidance"

Emily's Journey
“To describe training with Sarah in just a 'few' words; Mind, Body and Soul changing.
Sarah is not your run of the mill PT, it is a mind, body and soul changing experience. Sarah has taught me to look at exercise as a way of life, to enjoy it and not use it as punishment.
She has taught me to apply this with food, to love my body and to embrace the slow and steady changes it makes. But this can only be maintained with my mindset in the right place.
Sarah has really helped guide me to that healthy place which has enabled me to see my external changes and has honestly changed my soul. I love myself, and the body I am in. I have a healthier relationship with food and I enjoy exercising and seeing my body change in a healthy and positive environment"
Emily's Journey
"I came to know about Sarah through a friend, who told me only wonderful things about her progress and programs through this coach.
I started up with Sarah at the start of 2021, with injuries galore and even though I had been fit majority of my life, I didn’t feel strong. Sarah taught me about my body, as a woman, and how to really use technique as well as gradually increasing in weight to see a difference in strength and physical appearance.
She helped me through emotional and hormonal changes and always understood the mental challenges with these phases in life and never stopped caring for me as a person and my circumstances. I would recommend her highly if anyone wanted to restart and kick start their journey for their health and wellbeing!
Since doing her program, I’m now injury free, and learnt ways to be in the gym and not always having to be lifting “weights” but to be in conditioning mode and that movement is important no matter what you are doing.
Thank you, Sarah, for being a tremendous support, and friend through these last couple of years! I wouldn’t have been able to be the person I am today without your guidance and for that I’m truly grateful"

Genevieve's Journey
When I started training with Sarah, I was a typical first-time-engaging-a-PT-skeptic. I assumed I'd go along to our sessions for a little while to see what it was all about, but probably feel too out of my comfort zone/lazy to keep it up long term.
That was 18 months ago and here I am with the healthiest (and let's be real, hottest) body I've ever had. Sarah is a dedicated PT and her programs are client specific, efficient, and get great results!